Open Lotus Yoga and Dance
Open Lotus Yoga and Dance

Open Lotus Yoga classes are held at Raleigh Yoga Center at 619 Oberlin Rd. in the Burnie Batchelor building, in the Village District; and at home studio, now in Knightdale NC.

Open Lotus Yoga home studio and weather permitting at a local park in Raleigh!

Below: Raleigh Yoga Center
is in the Burnie Batchelor Photography Building - 619 Oberlin Rd. in the Village - take the driveway to the right of the building. RYC door is on the side. Park beyond the door in lot.



Arts Together 114 St. Mary's St.


Private yoga and semi-private yoga sessions (great for couples, neighbors, sisters, parent-child, etc.) with Liz are also available at her home studio or your location within the Raleigh area. And if your office, recreation or senior center, church, club or neighborhood group is interested in yoga classes for all ages or folks dealing with life and health challenges, Liz will come to you within the Triangle area to teach yoga or guide JourneyDance™ classes and events. (*more details below)

*Private yoga lessons in your home or office can take place in a minimal amount of space and Liz will bring any equipment needed unless you prefer to have your own. After an initial consultation we will design a plan together specifically tailored for your needs. Email or call 919-971-1086 to discuss options. Private yoga guarantees you are the only student at that time period or can include you and a friend or several, or your family! And yoga can happen almost anywhere!


Photo by Jennifer White, White Lotus Yoga, 2009

Photo by Frank Holt, NC Museum of Art

Contact Us

Open Lotus Yoga and Dance

Raleigh NC


Phone: +1 919/9711086 +1 919/9711086




Latest News

Our next half-day mini-retreat will be on Sunday, September 11 from 10am-2pm.

Lunchtime classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays are now 12-1pm both days!

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Open Lotus Yoga + Dance - A Movement Journey